
Monday, September 14, 2009

School days

Jay Allen and Carlie started school last week and tomorrow is James's first day. So far, everybody is doing well (not sure if I could honestly write that by this time tomorrow).
Carlie is an accelerated reader and is doing well in all subjects. She still enjoys art more than all others. There is no sign of her little boyfriend from last year, Mauricio, but I am sure he will make an appearance soon.
Jay Allen likes riding the bus because he doesn't have to wear a seat belt. He also said he got nervous on the first day and got the toots! I advised him how to conduct himself in case a loud one erupted - point to the kids next to him and in Dave Shasteen fashion, say, "HE DID IT!"
We are worried James will be in trouble for calling somebody a "Crack Nut" or pinching or biting somebody at school. He is doing a lot of that at home and we have been unable to deter him. Unfortunately, he already has a close personal bond with the people in the Principal's office at pre-school from all the time he spent with them last year. He is unafraid of being sent to the Principal. The office workers think he is so cute and funny and he thinks its cool that they always entertain him (even after he gets in trouble). If that reminds you all of AJ, exactly!
After this past weekend, we are ready for those kids to be in a routine. While I was in the bathroom, the boys made a "slip and slide" in my living room with a large cardboard box (and lots of water) and broke up some packing materials (that white plastic Styrofoam). So, they planned my whole morning for me, vacuuming up white Styrofoam beads and drying up the water. Cammie was not pleased when she got home. I had to ask her to leave because I was already overloaded with frustration from the boys without being reminded of everything I had done wrong in the 25 minutes (not an exaggeration) that she had been gone.
To make sure this never happened again, I sent the boys to their rooms and then threw all their toys and books and clothes on the floor in their room and made them clean it all up. James was beside himself that "Daddy tow up my wooom!" Jay Allen just matter of factly told his mother, "He tore my room up, too." I think I got the point across, but I don't recommend that technique with potty training children.
Our pastor's daughter came home with us yesterday because her little sister was in the hospital recovering from surgery on her ankle. That poor child was completely overwhelmed with all the noise in our house. She had to stop up her ears most of the time. James really tried to be sweet to her, but that is a relative concept for him. Carlie was a great baby sitter, big sister, friend, and playmate, so maybe we won't have to change churches.
James also gave our neighbor, Ray, a demonstration of how the Buffalo acts on our friends' farm. He meant a bull, but he swore Angie had a buffalo. He put his index fingers up to his head and showed us just exactly what that buffalo did and that he would "stick you with his horns." Then, we realized this was about the bull.
I am also relieved that Jay Allen does not have a Korean bus driver so I don't worry about him making inappropriate comments in case the bus has any close calls in traffic. See my last blog if that does not make sense to you.
That is what is going on with the Benefields. I still owe you a blog from Jamestown and Busch Gardens. We had a great time there and pictures to prove it!

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