
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What I am Thankful For

Don't mistake any lighthearted items for lack of sincere thankfulness, but I thought I should record some things I am thankful for.
I am thankful:
  • that my wife is still hot after 23 years together.
  • that my wife's eyesight is failing just enough that she now believes I am hot.
  • for three children that are so full of life and health that they exhaust me every day. 
  • that my buddy Mac McNeal is home with his entire family for Thanksgiving and doing well.
  • for all the answered prayer over the past year, especially those prayers on behalf of friends who really needed them (you know who you are).
  • that God is faithful to keep answering prayers for all my years.
  • for all the opportunities God gives me to exercise my faith.
  • for all the freedoms I have enjoyed as an American and for the Founding Fathers who gave them to us and the Fighting Fathers who preserved them for us (so far).
  • for all the young men and women who volunteer to follow in the footsteps of those Fighting Fathers who serve in our country's military.
  • for the Geronimo families who are going to share Thanksgiving with us tomorrow.
  • for the friends around the world God has blessed us with and the tools to keep in touch with those friends (will be saying a prayer for you all tomorrow at our Thanksgiving meal).
  • that I live where football comes on at 0800 in the morning on Thanksgiving, Saturdays, and Sundays - and especially for the game at 1030 this Friday.
  • for the beauty of God's creation that I get to experience everyday. 
  • that I didn't have to sue my old landlord (threatening to was just as effective).
  • that no matter what battle God leads me to fight, I have His peace with me and His hand on me.
  • for the ability to laugh at myself,  pray for my friends, lead my family, and serve my King and Savior.
  • that God does not require me to list every blessing I am thankful for because He has blessed me beyond my ability to record them.
The Father of Our Country issued the first Thanksgiving proclamation - it is worth a read.
I pray all of you are able to sit down with family and loved ones tomorrow and give thanks to the mighty God who brought you all together! Happy Thanksgiving from a very beautiful corner of God's creation, Eagle River, Alaska!